WiiToMidi allows you to convert signals from a Nintendo Wii controller to MIDI signals. It is a Cocoa application for Mac OS X and uses the DarwiinRemote WiiRemote framework to decode Wii controller signals. It also supports the Nunchuk controller.
davebv on GitHub has started a fork of WiiToMidi with OSC support and other advanced features. If you are adventurous you might want to check it out!
Check out the README to learn how to use this application. Also check out the FAQ, below, and the new Help Files.
WiiToMidi is reasonably stable, but no warantees are expressed or implied.
Bleeding-edge source code is available from an open subversion repository. You can browse the repository here, or check it out with the following command:
svn checkout http://svn.mike.verdone.ca/wiitomidi/trunk WiiToMidi
If you'd like to help develop WiiToMidi please contact me. Even if you don't code, you can still help. The following are non-code things that would be nice to have:
Jump about a minute in...
If there are no lights lit on the Wii Remote you've probably been caught by a strange WiiRemote framework bug. Hold On/Off on the Wii Remote for a few seconds and then try to connect with 1 and 2 again. You may have to restart WiiToMidi to get it fixed.
Because that's the way the Wii Remote is. The accelerometer sensors in the device are very sensitive and, unfortunately, very noisy and jittery. Some applications implement signal smoothing to iron out the noise. Unfortunately this can also make the control feel laggy and less responsive.
Signal smoothing can be controlled using the up and down D-Pad buttons. Up makes the output smoother and down makes it more direct.
Using the A, B, C, and Z buttons you can send four different notes: C, D, F, and A. Letting you change which notes you send will come eventually.
"Drumming" and Ocarina melody mode are on the TODO list.
WiiToMidi is copyright 2007 by Mike Verdone.